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User Guide


Libmgr is a desktop app for managing the inventory of libraries, optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI). Designed for fast typists, it can help to augment the day-to-day tasks of a librarian and can help them to get tasks done in an efficient manner.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed (can be verified by opening a command prompt or terminal and running java -version).
  2. Down the latest version of libmgr.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Libmgr.
  4. Open a terminal/command prompt and run java -jar libmgr.jar to start the application.
  5. You will be greeted with the banner
     _.-"     \
     ,-"          \
    ( \            \
     \ \            \
      \ \            \
    \ \         _.-;
     \ \    _.-"   :
      \ \,-"    _.-"
       \(   _.-"  libmgr
    Welcome to libmgr
    Type 'help' to view available commands
  6. View Features to see what you can do in libmgr


Notes about command formats

ℹ️ Words in UPPER_CASE are parameters to be supplied by the user.
e.g. In add b t/TITLE ..., TITLE is a parameter that can be used like add b t/Don Quixote ...

ℹ️ Parameters can be in any order
e.g. add a t/TITLE i/ID a/ARTIST d/DURATION can be used as add a a/ARTIST i/ID t/TITLE d/DURATION

⚠️ Parameters must be separated with a space
e.g. For add b t/TITLE i/ID ..., entering add a t/The Great Gatsbyi/0125 is invalid

⚠️ Command word must be in lower case e.g. For add b t/TITLE i/ID ..., entering ADD a t/The Great Gatsby i/0125 is invalid

⚠️ Attribute flags must be in lower case e.g. For add b t/TITLE i/ID ..., entering ADD a T/The Great Gatsby I/0125 is invalid

Add an item

Add a new item to the catalogue. Items can fall under one of four categories: Audio, Books, Magazines, Videos

Add an audio item

Add a new audio item to the catalogue

Format: add a t/TITLE i/ID a/ARTIST d/DURATION

Usage Example:

add a t/Thriller i/5920 a/Michael Jackson d/42:16

Adds an audio item to the catalogue titled Thriller with ID of 5920 by Michael Jackson and a duration of 42:16

Expected Output:
> add a t/Thriller i/5920 a/Michael Jackson d/42:16
  (+) Added new audio item to the catalogue
  [A] 5920 | AVAILABLE | Thriller | Michael Jackson | 42:16

Add a book item

Add a new book item to the catalogue

Format: add b t/TITLE i/ID a/AUTHOR

Usage Example:

add b t/To Kill a Mockingbird i/2551 a/Harper Lee

Adds a book item to the catalogue titled To Kill a Mockingbird with an ID of 2551, authored by Harper Lee

Expected Output:
> add b t/To Kill a Mockingbird i/2551 a/Harper Lee
  (+) Added new book item to the catalogue
  [B] 2551 | AVAILABLE | To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee

Add a magazine item

Add a new magazine item to the catalogue

Format: add m t/TITLE i/ID p/PUBLISHER e/EDITION

Usage Example:

add m t/Time Magazine i/58720a p/Time USA e/oct252021

Adds a magazine item to the catalogue titled Time Magazine with an ID of 58720a, published by TimeUSA, edition of oct252021

Expected Output:
> add m t/Time Magazine i/58720a p/Time USA e/oct252021
  (+) Added new magazine item to the catalogue
  [M] 58720a | AVAILABLE | Time Magazine | Time USA | oct252021

Add a video item

Add a new video item to the catalogue


Usage Example:

add v t/Casino Royale i/095680 p/Sony Pictures d/144 minutes

Adds a video item to the catalogue titled Casino Royale with an ID of 095680, published by Sony Pictures and with a duration of 144 minutes

Expected Output:
> add v t/Casino Royale i/095680 p/Sony Pictures d/144 minutes
  (+) Added new video item to the catalogue
  [V] 095680 | AVAILABLE | Casino Royale | Sony Pictures | 144 minutes

Add a miscellaneous item

For any other item that cannot be categorised into the above-mentioned ones, they can be added using this command

Format: add i t/TITLE i/ID

Usage Example:

add i t/Scrabble i/0513895

Adds a miscellaneous item to the catalogue titled Scrabble with an ID of 0513895

Expected Output:
> add i t/Scrabble i/0513895
  (+) Added new item to the catalogue
  [-] 0513895 | AVAILABLE | Scrabble

List items

List out all items in the catalogue.

Format: list

Usage Example:


Expected Output:
  (+) Listing out all items in library
  [M] 58720a | AVAILABLE | Time Magazine | Time USA | oct252021
  [V] 095680 | AVAILABLE | Casino Royale | Sony Pictures | 144 minutes

List items that are due today

List the loaned items that need to be returned today

Format: deadline today

Usage Example:

deadline today

Expected Output:
  (+) Listing out loaned items that have to be returned today
  [M] 58720a | LOANED (martin TILL 31-10-2021) | Time Magazine | Time USA | oct252021

List items that are overdue

List the loaned items that already overdue but have not been returned yet

Format: deadline overdue

Usage Example:

deadline overdue

Expected Output:
  (+) Listing out loaned items that are overdue
  [B] 2551 | LOANED (johnsmith TILL 01-01-2021) | To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee

List items that are due on a specific date

List the loaned items that are due on a specific date given in the input

ℹ️ DUE_DATE must be in the format of dd-mm-yyyy in order to be valid

Format: deadline d/dd-mm-yyyy

Usage Example:

deadline d/03-11-2021

List the items with a due date of 03 November 2021

Expected Output:
  (+) Listing out loaned items that are due this date: 03-11-2021
  [M] 58720a | LOANED (Sam TILL 03-11-2021) | Time Magazine | Time USA | oct252021

Search items

Search items by ID, Title, Status, and Category.

For searching by ID, the ID given by the search input must be exactly the same as the ID in database, that is, it is case-sensitive, and any difference in space or special characters is not allowed.

For searching by Status, the Status given by the search input must be one of “AVAILABLE”, “LOANED” or “RESERVED”. It is case-insensitive.

For searching by Category, the Category given by the search input must be one of “Book”, “Audio”, “Video”, “Magazine”, or “Misc”. It is case-insensitive.

For searching by Title, the Title given by the search input only needs to partially match the title stored in database. It is case-insensitive as well.

Any items matching more than one keyword will be listed. Items matching more searching criteria will be listed at a higher position. Items matching fewer searching criteria will be listed at a lower position.

Format: Subset of search i/ID t/TITLE s/STATUS c/CATEGORY

Usage Example:

search s/loaned c/book

Searches the catalogue for items with the property of “loaned” and “book”. An item that is both loaned and is a book will be listed at the top. An item that is loaned but not a book, or an item that is a book but not loaned is also listed at a lower position. An item that is neither loaned nor a book will not be in the search result.

Expected Output:
  (+) Here are the searching results in library
  [B] 43 | LOANED (Chuan Kai TILL 25-11-2021) | The Three Body Problem | Liu Cixin
  [A] A A | LOANED (Silin TILL 30-12-2021) | Thriller | Michael Jackson | 2h
  [B] 123 | AVAILABLE | Harry Potter | JK Rowling

In the sample output, “The Three Body Problem” is both loaned and a book, matching both of the criteria, it is listed first; “Thriller” is loaned but not a book, “Harry Potter” is a book but not loaned, they satisfy only one criterion, therefore they are listed at a lower position. The rest of items do not match any search keyword, and they are not listed.

Reserve items

Reserve an item for a specific person.

Format: res i/ID u/USERNAME

Usage Example:

res i/2551 u/johnsmith

Sets aside an item with ID of 2551 for user johnsmith

Expected Output:
> res i/2551 u/johnsmith
  (+) You have successfully reserved an item:
  [B] 2551 | RESERVED (johnsmith) | To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee

Unreserve items

Make a previously reserved item available again.

Format: unres ID

Usage Example:

unres 2551

Makes a previously RESERVED item with ID of 2551 as AVAILABLE

Expected Output:
> unres 2551
  (+) Item unreserved:
  [B] 2551 | AVAILABLE | To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee

Loan items

Loan out an item to an individual until a specific due date.

ℹ️ Only AVAILABLE items can be loaned out

ℹ️ Items that have been previously reserved by an individual can only be loaned out to the same individual

ℹ️ DUE_DATE must be in the format of dd-mm-yyyy in order to be valid

Format: loan i/ID u/USER d/DUE_DATE(dd-mm-yyyy)

Usage Example:

loan i/2551 d/12-11-2021 u/johnsmith

Mark item with ID of 2551 as LOANED to a user johnsmith, due to be returned on 12 November 2021

Expected Output:
> loan i/2551 d/12-11-2021 u/johnsmith
  (+) Item has been loaned out:
  [B] 2551 | LOANED (johnsmith TILL 12-11-2021) | To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee

Return items

Mark a previously loaned item as returned, making it available again.

ℹ️ Only LOANED items can be returned. Unsuccessful message will be displayed when you return items that are not loaned out.

Format: return ID

Usage Example:

return 2551

Mark item with ID of 2551 which was previously LOANED as AVAILABLE

Expected Output:
> return 2551
  (+) Item has been returned:
  [B] 2551 | AVAILABLE | To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee

Edit an item

Edit the attributes of an existing item in the catalogue

ℹ️ Multiple attributes can be inputted, in any order.
e.g. For an existing book with ID 123, title Harry Potter and author JK Rowling, it is possible to edit both the title and author simultaneously using edit 123 t/NEW TITLE a/NEW AUTHOR.

ℹ️ Attributes cannot be changed to the same existing attribute.
e.g. If the title of an existing book with ID 123 is already Harry Potter, calling edit 123 t/Harry Potter will throw a warning.

ℹ️ Trying to change the id of the item into an id that is already associated with another existing item in the library will throw a warning and not be allowed.


Usage Example:

edit 123 t/Harry Potter a/JK Rowling

Edits the title of an item with ID 123 to Harry Potter, and the author to JK Rowling

Expected Output:
  [B] 123 | AVAILABLE | The Hunger Games | Suzanne Collins
> edit 123 t/Harry Potter a/JK Rowling
  (+) Edited item details:
  [B] 123 | AVAILABLE | Harry Potter | JK Rowling

Remove an item

Remove an existing item from the catalogue.

Format: rm ID

Usage Example

rm 095680

Removes item with ID of 095680 from the catalogue

Expected Output:
> rm 095680
  (+) Removed the following item:
  [V] 095680 | AVAILABLE | Casino Royale | Sony Pictures | 144 minutes

Display library information

Display library information: total number of items in library, number of items by category and number of items by status.

Display all information

Display all library information

Format: info all

Usage Example:

info all

Expected output:

  [B] 123 | AVAILABLE | Harry Potter | JK Rowling
  [A] 124 | LOANED (John TILL 07-11-2021) | CD | Michael Jackson | 2h
> info all
  (+) Total Number of Items in Library: 2

  (+) Library Information by Item Category
  (+) Number of Audio Items: 1
  (+) Number of Book Items: 1
  (+) Number of Magazine Items: 0
  (+) Number of Video Items: 0
  (+) Number of Miscellaneous Items: 0

  (+) Library Information by Item Status
  (+) Number of Available Items: 1
  (+) Number of Loaned Items: 1
  (+) Number of Reserved Items: 0

Display information by item category

Display total number of items in the library and the breakdown of items by category.

Format: info category

Usage Example:

info category

Expected output:

  [B] 123 | AVAILABLE | Harry Potter | JK Rowling
  [A] 124 | LOANED (John TILL 07-11-2021) | CD | Michael Jackson | 2h
> info category
  (+) Total Number of Items in Library: 2

  (+) Library Information by Item Category
  (+) Number of Audio Items: 1
  (+) Number of Book Items: 1
  (+) Number of Magazine Items: 0
  (+) Number of Video Items: 0
  (+) Number of Miscellaneous Items: 0

Display information by item status

Display total number of items in the library and the breakdown of items by status.

Format: info status

Usage Example:

info status

Expected output:

  [B] 123 | AVAILABLE | Harry Potter | JK Rowling
  [A] 124 | LOANED (John TILL 07-11-2021) | CD | Michael Jackson | 2h
> info status
  (+) Total Number of Items in Library: 2

  (+) Library Information by Item Status
  (+) Number of Available Items: 1
  (+) Number of Loaned Items: 1
  (+) Number of Reserved Items: 0

Display valid user commands

Display a list of valid user commands for Libmgr.

Format: help

Usage Example:


Expected output:

> help
  ** Words in `UPPER_CASE` are parameters to be supplied by you
  ** Parameters can be in any order
  ** Parameters must be separated with a space
  (+) Add a new audio item: add a t/TITLE i/ID a/ARTIST d/DURATION
  (+) Add a new book item: add b t/TITLE i/ID a/AUTHOR
  (+) Add a new magazine item: add m t/TITLE i/ID p/PUBLISHER e/EDITION
  (+) Add a new video item: add v t/TITLE i/ID p/PUBLISHER d/DURATION
  (+) Add a new miscellaneous item: add i t/TITLE i/ID
  (+) List out all items: list
  (+) List out loaned items due today: deadline today
  (+) List out loaned items that are overdue: deadline overdue
  (+) Search items by ID, title, status or category: search [t|i|s|c]/ATTRIBUTE
  (+) Reserve an item: res i/ID u/USERNAME
  (+) Unreserve an item: unres ID
  (+) Loan out an item: loan i/ID u/USER d/DUE_DATE(dd-mm-yyyy)
  (+) Return a loaned item: return ID
  (+) Edit details of an existing audio item: edit ID [t|i|a|d]/ATTRIBUTE
  (+) Edit details of an existing book item: edit ID [t|i|a]/ATTRIBUTE
  (+) Edit details of an existing magazine item: edit ID [t|i|p|e]/ATTRIBUTE
  (+) Edit details of an existing video item: edit ID [t|i|p|d]/ATTRIBUTE
  (+) Edit details of an existing miscellaneous item: edit ID [t|i]/ATTRIBUTE
  (+) Remove an existing item: rm ID
  (+) Display all library information: info all
  (+) Display library information by item category: info category
  (+) Display library information by item status: info status
  (+) Get a list of valid user commands: help
  (+) Exit the program: exit

Exit the program

Exit the program.

Format: exit

Usage Example:


Expected Output:
> exit
See you soon!

Data Storage

Upon starting the program, it will search for the presence of a file in the directory ./data/data.json. This is a file on the disk that tracks the last recorded state of the catalogue.

ℹ️ Data is updated at the completion of execution of each command entered by the user

⚠️ While the data.json file can be edited manually, it is highly recommended that users do not attempt to do so unnecessarily

⚠️ Do not make changes to the data.json while libmgr is running. Any changes made while running will not be reflected by libmgr and such changes may be overwritten.


Q: What platforms are Libmgr supported on?

A: This application supports cross-platform operation, as long as Java has been properly configured.

Q: Can I port the program over to other devices

A: Yes, just copy over the libmgr.jar along with the ./data/data.json files to the target computer, and make sure that they are stored within the same folder, all data will be preserved

Q: Can I manually edit the data.json file to change contents of the catalogue

A: While it is possible for users to manually edit the data using tools such as text editors, we highly recommend against doing so, as the risk of corrupting the file or entering malformed input is very high. When libmgr detects errors or corruptions in data.json it will overwrite the existing catalogue with a new, empty one.

Command Summary

Action Purpose Format and Examples
Add (Audio) Add an audio item to the catalogue add a t/TITLE i/ID a/ARTIST d/DURATION
E.g. add a t/Thriller i/5920 a/Michael Jackson d/42:16
Add (Book) Add a book item to the catalogue add b t/TITLE i/ID a/AUTHOR
E.g. add b t/To Kill a Mockingbird i/2551 a/Harper Lee
Add (Magazine) Add a magazine item to the catalogue add m t/TITLE i/ID p/PUBLISHER e/EDITION
E.g. add m t/Time Magazine i/58720a p/Time USA e/oct252021
Add (Video) Add a video item to the catalogue add v t/TITLE i/ID p/PUBLISHER d/DURATION
E.g. add v t/Casino Royale i/095680 p/Sony Pictures d/144 minutes
Add (Miscellaneous) Add an item that cannot be categorised under any type add i t/TITLE i/ID
E.g. add i t/Scrabble i/0513895
Deadline View items due to be returned deadline [overdue/today/d/dd-mm-yyyy]
E.g. deadline today
Edit Edit existing items within the catalogue edit ID KEY/ATTRIBUTE
E.g. edit 123 t/Harry Potter a/JK Rowling
Exit Exit the program exit
Help Display a list of valid user commands help
Info Display library information info [all/category/status]
E.g. info all
List (all items) Lists all items within the catalogue list
Loan Loan out an item to someone loan i/ID u/USER d/DUE_DATE(dd-mm-yyyy)
E.g. loan i/2551 d/12-11-2021 u/johnsmith
Remove Remove an item from the catalogue rm ID
E.g. rm 095680
Reserve Reserve an item for a specific person res i/ID u/USERNAME
E.g. res i/2551 u/johnsmith
Return Mark an item as returned and available for loan again return ID
E.g. return 2551
Search Search for items in the catalogue based on their attributes search KEY/ATTRIBUTE
E.g. search c/misc t/Junglebook s/available
Un-reserve “Un-reserve” an item and mark as available again unres ID
E.g. unres 2551