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Wong Zi Xin, Avellin - Project Portfolio Page


Libmgr is a desktop app for managing the inventory of libraries, optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI). Designed for fast typists, it can help to augment the day-to-day tasks of a librarian and can help them to get tasks done in an efficient manner.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

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Enhancements Implemented

  1. Implemented AddCommand class with a single item type in v1.0 (#32)
  2. Implemented EditCommand class and all associated classes (EditAudioCommand, EditBookCommand, EditMagazineCommand, EditMiscellaneousCommand, EditVideoCommand) to edit attributes of each item type (Audio, Book, Magazine, Video and Miscellaneous) (#93, #188)
  3. Implemented InfoCommand class to display a variety of library information to the user (#182)
  4. Implemented HelpCommand class to display a list of valid input commands to the user (#185)
  5. Implemented UnknownCommand class to display a message informing the user when he has inputted an invalid command (#24)

Contributions to the User Guide

  1. Wrote User Guide for Edit Command, Info Command and Help Command functionalities (#203)
  2. Contributed to command summary (#203)
  3. Assisted in maintaining consistency of user guide structure and grammar

Contributions to the Developer Guide

  1. Created and set up structure of Developer Guide sections according to Address Book 3 (#126)
  2. Wrote documentation for (#126, #231)
    1. Setting up the project
    2. Design - Commands component
    3. Design - Common component
    4. Implementation - Edit Command
  3. Contributed documentation for (#101, #126, #231)
    1. Contents Page
    2. Design - Architecture
    3. Target User Profile & Value Proposition
    4. User Stories
    5. Non-functional requirements
  4. Created UML diagrams for (#101, #103, #233)
    1. Design - Commands component (Class Diagrams)
    2. Implementation - Edit Command (Sequence Diagram)

Contributions to team-based-tasks

  1. Implemented skeleton code for exceptions (#32)
  2. Helped in maintaining the issue tracker
  3. Helped in reviewing and merging team members’ pull requests
  4. Assisted in product testing and maintaining general code consistency (#26)

Review/mentoring contributions