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Dyah Ayu Nurun Nafisah - Project Portfolio Page


Libmgr is a desktop app for managing the inventory of libraries, optimised for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI). Designed for fast typists, it can help to augment the day-to-day tasks of a librarian and can help them to get tasks done in an efficient manner.

Summary of Contributions

Code Contributed

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Enhancements Implemented

  1. Added Catalogue class which acts as a container for the Item class and its inheritance.
  2. Implemented LoanCommand class to loan an item to a user and change the details/attributes of the item (status, dueDate, loanee) accordingly.
  3. Implemented ReturnCommand class to return an item that has been borrowed by a user before.
  4. Added enumeration class Status to make the item status more consistent and easier to implement.
  5. Implemented ReserveCommand class to reserve an item before it is being loaned out.
  6. Implemented DeadlineCommand class to list out the loaned items based on their deadline (today, overdue, or a specific date)

Contributions to the User Guide

  1. Added usage for loan and return commands.
  2. Added usage for deadline today, deadline overdue, and deadline d/dd-mm-yyyy.
  3. Added some additional information for the other commands related to the issues that have been solved. (E.g. status can be case insensitive in search command).

Contributions to the Developer Guide

  1. Created sequence diagrams and the details for LoanCommand and DeadlineCommand.
  2. Created an object diagram of a specific example in the implementation of LoanCommand.
  3. Added v2.1 user stories.

Contributions to team-based-tasks

  1. Implemented skeleton code for the team project which included Catalogue container class and Status enumeration class.
  2. Helped in maintaining the issue tracker.
  3. Helped in reviewing and merged other teammates’ pull requests.
  4. Helped in testing and bug-fixing other command classes, especially in SearchCommand and ListCommand.

Review/mentoring contributions

  1. PR reviewed:
  2. Suggested issue: